Yeah the hooka was being passed around amongst the people. (not sure whether there with a bit of weed mixed in as well)
Otherwise it was jsut a regular party at some guys apartment. And WHU is similar to IIMA, that the male to female ratio is horribly skewed (women are 15-20% of the batch) So each time a new batch comes, the seniors make their first moves, to grab the first movers advantage, and the freshers dont wanna lose out in the race, so they to are active in this hunt.
So even here you have the "Fachhi Fighters" and the most popular fachhi concept.
Can any one spot who would be the most popular fachhi??
And would some of the juniors at IIMA pray that she comes on exchange ot Ahmedabad?

Hey man... Soda here.... well i wld say that the most popular facchi wld be the second frm left in left photo. let me know fi me rite.... :DD
Hey man... Soda here.... well i wld say that the most popular facchi wld be the second frm left in left photo. let me know if me rite.... :DD
sorry... same post came on twice by mistake. hope u enjoyin urself... BTW budday kaisan tha??
hey agree it shud be the second one from left....
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